Escola Tècnica Superior
d’Arquitectura de Barcelona

Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya

Av. Diagonal 649
08028 Barcelona

rehabilitació i restauració

International collaborative project
Projecte R+D+I competitiu

The present research examines the contribution of horizontal diaphragms to the seismic behaviour of masonry buildings. Traditional buildings including masonry ones are seismically vulnerable due to the existence of flexible diaphragms. An insufficient connection between a floor and wall (floor-to-wall connection) causes such a diaphragm effect. It is essential to characterise the behaviour of diaphragms so that effective strengthening measures are taken. The research consists of four phases: A) field survey, B) numerical simulations of the test and C) proposal of seismic strengthening guidelines. In the phase A, field survey is performed to categorise the floor-to-wall connection types of masonry buildings in Barcelona. Categories are connection types (flexible or rigid) , materials, geometry, deterioration condition and the existence of past interventions. The survey is conducted with Prof. Cornado. To examine long term behaviour, MEMS accelerometers are placed in a number of buildings as a structural health monitoring test. In the phase B, numerical analysis is carried out to simulate the behaviour observed during the monitoring test. In the phase C, as the final products of the research, guidelines are presented for the efficient strengthening of floor-to-wall connections.

Còssima Cornadó, Endo Yohei  


Data de desenvolupament
Setembre 2023 – Setembre 2024

Entitat desenvolupadora
Shinshu University



Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona - ETSAB

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Av. Diagonal 649
08028 Barcelona

restauració i rehabilitació arquitectònica